Can you remember that time you wore something and felt great? Probably that was back in college or to an event you had a couple of months back. But whatever that day is, at some point, you felt great in something you wore. That is how you should feel every time you wear any clothing in your closet. It should never be some days even when trying to remember the last time you felt great becomes hard to trace. Your closet should contain all items that make you confident and comfortable. Anything short of that, you should give it away or get rid of it. It is wrong to go and buy a pair of shoes, a dress, handbag, coat, top and others that make you feel less comfortable.
closet is a special space that you spend most of the time choosing what to wear for the day or dressing for your special occasion. Take time to make that space great. It is sad to treat some days not worthy of treating them with the dress you specifically keep to wear for special occasions. Women's fashion is great, and wearing beautiful clothes is what you are to focus on wearing.
On the other hand, something else and very important is the way you dress and makes you feel good should be the same for others when they see you. When you dress your best every day, especially at your place of work that also means you respect your customers, patients, or the people you interact with. Bottom line you are supposed to wear clothes as you would going for an interview, presentation, special meeting or for a date with a person you love.
When you wear something that makes you uncomfortable, you will likely look uncomfortable and act the same. Therefore, be the same person all the time and never alter your personal style just because you are on stage.